Sunday 31 May 2009

Foundations Update No. 2

We went and had a peek at the plot yesterday. Wow, what a difference! It looks huge!

The steel laying on the ground is the start of the foundations structure. It may not look like much from the surface, but when you consider that 1.8m of the offcuts of concrete columns shown in the third photo are stood vertically under ground and concrete has been poured into the middle of them, and then top soil has been placed over the top, they've been very busy!

In other news, the Council don't want us to use man made slate, it's got to be natural (see the £££ roll! But we did budget for the expensive stuff so that's OK. Lucky I'm so cautious and have a high risk profile!), neither did the Council like the fact we had proposed using aluminium smooth guttering, it needs to be cast (again £££ but we've accounted for that). We also have to set paviours as the driveway rather than patterned concrete. A bit of a pain, but there we are.

Hoping to order wood for the frame this week. Keep your fingers crossed the weather holds for our two weeks off at the end of June, although the plot has no shade at all at the moment so it will be so hot! Who needs two weeks in the Caribbean to get a tan when you can go building in Shropshire?!

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