Monday, 1 March 2010

Still Soldering On

It's a month to the day since we last did an update. This hasn't been because we have been slacking off, it's just that what we've been doing has been pretty much the same for the last month - plumbing!

The hot and cold water loops are complete on the bedroom wing which is the most complex as it has the bathroom and ensuite. Now over to the living area and kitchen and cloakroom, and then across to the utility room. It has all gone really well and Darran has done a great job considering he hasn't ever done this kind of thing before.

The soldering of the joints has gone to plan. The real proof will be in the pressure test. No fires with the blow torch either, not even small ones (other than a slight charring of the flux brush)!

In other news, we now have electricity in the house which is a big tick. We have an isolator switch in the garage which is connected to the meter and have laid armoured cable (or ****** armoured cable as it was known pretty soon after we realised how difficult it is to do anything with) across the breezeway and into the lobby area to a consumer unit. We can now get on with the electrics when the plumbing has been completed.

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